2️⃣ Building 👷🏻 TUCKEDito's Framework: Marketing Campaign
Marketing ideas are included, but by no means was this our full campaign. In fact, we didn't really have a campaign, just an endless list of stupid, fun, unique, and a bit off-kilter, ideas.

By: James
Want to read part 1 of this series? 👇🏻

👁 System Vision
Marketing campaign, as a stated in the title, is a little misleading. This is a conceptualization of what we wanted TUCKEDito to grow to be.
Marketing ideas are included, but by no means was this our full campaign. In fact, we didn't really have a campaign, just an endless list of stupid, fun, unique, and a bit off-kilter, ideas.
This system vision is the best way I can illustrate how we thought about our business, before we had begun.
We laid this out over a year ago now, so please excuse our naïveté.

We took this vision and used it to think about how we should orient our marketing.
💡Our Ideas
Below you'll just see a list of thoughts we had pertaining to the business. Ideas are key, and I believe lists are a vital compliment as ideas must be tracked. We generated as many ideas as possible, writing them all down in a shared virtual notebook.
Both Brendan and I have 300+ notes in our iPhone notepad. We keep track of all information that we think is useful and try to refer back to it when we can. It helps spur more ideas and can help us see problems from a different angle, often offering a solution we didn't see before.
So yea, we're big lists/notes/tracking people, and we think it is beneficial to the business.

Since actually starting our vision has taken a winding path. Of the ideas above we have implemented one, the sauces, a couple of others are still in play for us though.
One main change is, at first, we thought cloud kitchen, but now, we don't love that idea as much. It would remove us from our favorite thing, meeting people. We don't think that chasing that trend is worth it. We still believe it could be an auxiliary method for growth but it's not a primary focus.
🤔 Settling on "What We're Selling"
What are we providing our customers? What do we do different than the competition that we can work on, market, build our business around?
What We Thought Before Starting 👇🏻

What We Think Now
- The main uniqueness to our business is our food. Our take on a taquito is different than any other food offered by trucks in our area.

- Our good vibes "vibe", if you will. Our bright colors, our good vibes group bow tie pictures, our carefree (a little bit weird) videos and other social content, and most importantly our attitude on the job 🤠. It's what makes us TUCKEDito.

- Next is our tent set up. In a world of food trucks people tend to remember the tent, since it's different. We believe a tent provides a more personal interaction with customers, one of the main reasons we chose a tent.
🤲🏻 Our Values
We went through many different mission statements and tag lines.

This came a little later but I thought I'd include it. It's how we distilled the information from the screen shot above. We discussed and finalized our Core Values and Core Focus.
Today, we use these as lenses to view our business through.

🧐 💭 A Final Thought
From then to now, much has changed. But, one thing we believed then, that we have an even stronger belief in now:
If you build a strong brand you can do anything with it. Sticking a positive, unique, and lasting image in the customer's head is vital.
Want to read part 1 of this series? 👇🏻