Happy People🤠 & a Sunny☀️ Day

We just got done rolling, searing, and serving taquitos. We were on the the blacktop of an elementary school parking lot, but I could have sworn it was a beach in Encinitas, CA.

Happy People🤠 & a Sunny☀️ Day

By: Mitch Wooderson

Nothing like dishing out food to happy people on a beautiful spring day.

We just got done rolling, searing, and serving taquitos. We were on the the blacktop of an elementary school parking lot, but I could have sworn it was a beach in Encinitas, CA.

Well, maybe not, but happy moods and sun after a long winter can make you feel like you're soaking in that sun 🌞 on a Pacific Coast beach.

They were having a beach themed "party day" and everyone was feeling the good vibes🤙🏻. Our day was made before it was even started...sometimes the weather can do that.

Thinking back on the overcast and frigid 🥶 days we need to be thankful for weather like this and just bask in the sunlight.

I guess this is sort of an appreciation post for some parts of life that we take for-granted. Great weather and great people rule! We need to acknowledge it more and just be happy and enjoy life.

Good Vibes Tune for the Rest of Your Day 👇🏻