🌱 Projecting Our Growth

As I write this, I'm going through our cashflows in excel and trying to project the next couple years of revenues, expenses, and possible avenues of expansion.

🌱 Projecting Our Growth

By: Mitch Wooderson

👋🏻 Purpose

As I write this, I'm going through our cashflows in excel and trying to project the next couple years of revenues, expenses, and possible avenues of expansion.

Along the way I am taking screen shots and compiling here. Then, I'm listing my thoughts on what I am doing and why.

The purpose being: to know what I was thinking when making these projections, when I look back at them in the future as a reference. Also, maybe it could spur some thoughts for any other business owners thinking about expansion.

So yeah, what I'm saying is that I'm just thinking out loud in this post.

Not really sure if my projections here are feasible. The financial projections are extrapolated from just 8 months of  business. I would love advice from someone more knowledgable than myself (send us an email to tuckedito@gmail.com if you're reading). Eventually I'll look for people more experienced than myself to get some thoughts on what I laid out here.