🤦🏻‍♂️ How Do We Survive?

Our possible paths going forward.

🤦🏻‍♂️ How Do We Survive?

Real life struggles happening now. We're being removed from our kitchen on short notice. Without a kitchen we cannot run our business.

Sinking $30k into a business asset and then not being able to put it to work is not where we want to be but it's where we have found ourselves. Debt levels have risen and future cash flows are being eviscerated. It is frightening.

😥 If We Don't Get a New Kitchen

  • Do we beg the current kitchen to stay or just tell them our situation, accept mid January, and whatever happens after that happens? Answer: We need to tell them by next week. It feels like we're leaning toward just biting the bullet and moving out.
  • Could we try to move into our own building? Answer: Not sure if this would be wise. Likely would increase our debt too much. Failure could become catastrophic
  • Do we take time off? Answer: We couldn't really do more than 1 event a week. Would we even want to deal with doing an event cooking out of our house, like would it be worth it? What else do we do worth our time then? Do we try another business idea or get jobs while searching for a kitchen?
  • How long can we last without income? At what point do we call off the search? Answer: At some point it won't make sense to take on more debt for a pick-up truck. Without a pickup truck our revenues likely decrease to a level where we do not build our cash to where we need it to have our own place within the next two years. Personal financial goals begin to move further and further away, a house becomes unattainable.
  • Where do we put all our stuff? Answer: Our attic and 509 shed or do we rent a storage unit?

😁 If We Do Get a New Kitchen

  • Do we cancel some events to move in? Answer: I think that this might be wise, just so we're not over-stressing ourselves. Just keep it to 1 or two a week.
  • Are we in this location permanently or is it a 2-3 month pit stop? Answer: TBD. 2-3 month pit stop obviously creates more work as it's double the moving.
  • Do we just take time off in the winter to organize and strategize with the hope of greatly increasing revenues in the spring/summer? Answer: Maybe not the entire winter but I don't thinking taking a couple weeks would hurt too bad. Without a plan, everything becomes harder to manage. Benchmarks are important, they shine a light on progress every step of the way. Without them you're kind of just in the dark waiting for the light to be turned on to see where you are.
  • Is there a realistic timeline that makes this business feel worth pursuing? Answer: What is going to happen in our personal lives over the next couple years? Will the business be able to achieve these personal goals? Draw this timeline out and see.