insight 🎵 Changing Tune I started writing about an idea that I strongly believe in. At this point I've been thinking about it for a month or so
Members only business October🎃 Financial💰 Analysis📊 A rebound in sales! Though we wish it was more of a rebound, a rebound nonetheless
process ⚒️ The Importance of Processes When something is simple it is reliable. Simplicity removes the margin for error.
Members only insight 💪🏻 How We Will Grow This post will illustrates numbers associated with the possible avenues of expansion that we have identified
Members only financial September🍂 Financial💰 Analysis📊 Biggest move this month is on our balance sheet!
insight 🥇First Principles Thinking🙇🏻: Marketing & Distribution (Refined) A more complete look at some ideas to target.
insight Featured 🧠 One Year In - What Have We Learned? It's a popular questions from friends, family, customers, and everyone in between when talking about the business. It's usually asked in the form, "What's surprised you the most about running your own business?"
business 📊 1 Year Stats 🌯🌮 Customers Served: 9,270 Events: 159 Different Venues: 75 Total Hours Served: 567
insight 🥇First Principles Thinking🙇🏻: Marketing & Distribution We want to increase brand distribution and have product distribution there to follow. This blog post is disorganized compared to the typical post. It's just a collection of thoughts. Hope to go back through and refine down the road
insight 🫡 Operation: Ultra Maximum Utilization We're getting a food cart, that means 2 set ups next year. That means more production. Soooo how will we manage this in our current kitchen?
insight 🤔 What Are We Thinking? Week 37, 2022 🧐 We're getting some stuff done by our friend Colin. We want another logo and a label done, along with some other stuff. Here's what I sent him (bold) and how he answered.
business 📝 Business Plan The purpose of this is to display a cohesive idea of what TUCKEDito is after one year in business, and what it will become over the next five years. This is a long form business plan, it is meant to be detailed. It combines almost all major areas of our business for current and future business.