Members only financial 🌱 Projecting Our Growth As I write this, I'm going through our cashflows in excel and trying to project the next couple years of revenues, expenses, and possible avenues of expansion.
insight 🤔 What Are We Thinking? Week 24, 2022 🧐 We think all you need is cheese (the only "optional option), one topping (pineapple, onion, avocado, mango, jalapeño etc.), one sauce, cilantro, and then our one secret ingredient 🤫.
insight 🤔 What Are We Thinking? Week 23, 2022 🧐 Oh yeah, and a wholeee lotta serving. We're booked for three very busy events this weekend.
Members only financial May🌷 Financial💰 Analysis📊 Food and packaging down again as a % of sales. We managed the business well this month. Our operating margin was a little lower than we would have liked because of two large expenses.
financial 💸 Costs Update: 🌷May 2022 Where our food prices stand as of today. Charts included for visualization.
insight 🤔 What Are We Thinking? Week 22, 2022 🧐 We're offering it as a $2 side and a $1 add-on to tacos. I've been working on my guac recipe for years, so it wasn't something I had to put through a testing phase before introducing.
insight 2️⃣ Building 👷🏻 TUCKEDito's Framework: Marketing Campaign Marketing ideas are included, but by no means was this our full campaign. In fact, we didn't really have a campaign, just an endless list of stupid, fun, unique, and a bit off-kilter, ideas.
insight 🤔 What Are We Thinking? Week 21, 2022 🧐 The tacos will be a specialty item. What I mean by that is, we'll offer tacos at like 15-25% of events. We're hoping the deliciousness and the scarcity attracts people on those days.
insight 🤔 What are We Thinking? Week 20, 2022 🧐 Luckily I'm in this business with my brother, a more laidback version of myself. He came in and we'd talked it over while putting the new magnets on the menu.
insight 🥳 Our First *Real* Catering Event Cinco De Mayo was our first full catering event. We did a salad and taquitos before but this was the first time with the entire spread!
Members only financial April🐰 Financial💰 Analysis📊 Mid April (weeks 16 and 17) have been the biggest sales weeks by far this year. They're both more than double any other week of the year. What did both have in common?
insight 🤔 What are We Thinking? Week 19, 2022 🧐 This is the week. We've got our plan and now we're hitting the kitchen with it. Most of our time this week will be prepping food and equipment for our first large catering event!
insight 🤔 What are We Thinking? Week 18, 2022 🧐 We've got our biggest event ever coming up. We're catering a Cinco De Mayo party for a media company with 300 employees.
financial 💸 Costs Update: 🐰 April 2022 Where our food prices stand at as of today. Charts included for visualization.
financial 💲Financial 🪬 Insight: Charts I enjoy making charts to gain insight into whatever it is I may be thinking about. Visualization helps me problem solve. Anytime I find them interesting I'll probably just post them in here. Maybe they'll be beneficial to you as well.
insight 1️⃣ Building 👷🏻 TUCKEDito's Framework: Intro & Financials 📈 How did we start? Well this post will detail what we did over an eight month period, while working our full-time jobs, to build the framework of our business. This is post number 1 of.....I don't know, I guess we'll see.
insight 🤔 What are We Thinking? Week 16, 2022 🧐 I hate dry rice, you hate dry rice, your aunt hates dry rice.
good vibes Happy People🤠 & a Sunny☀️ Day We just got done rolling, searing, and serving taquitos. We were on the the blacktop of an elementary school parking lot, but I could have sworn it was a beach in Encinitas, CA.
financial Featured March🍀 Financial💰 Analysis📊 What's the Purpose? The main purpose of writing this is separating the financial signal from noise. Since TUCKEDito isn't even a year old I don't have any years to compare to. To start I am just trying to get a feel for our numbers.
insight 🤔 What are We Thinking? Week 15, 2022 🧐 What do we think about on a weekly basis? Wellllll... it changes each every week, so that keeps it interesting, even worth a weekly blog post to me.