Q3 Goals 🥅

Our goals for this quarter and a little detail explaining the purpose of them.

Q3 Goals 🥅

By: James

At the beginning of every quarter we have a meeting where we review our goals from the last quarter and then set goals for the new one.

These goals are tasks we want to accomplish, plans we want to have made, and revenue targets.

💬 In this Post

  • I'll list our Q3 goals and add a little detail below each one to explain the purpose.

Three months from now I'll write something about how we ended up.

Our Q2 Goals

Our goals, in no specific order

📝 Plan to Maximize kitchen production and storage capacity

Assigned to: James

Since we decided to purchase a food cart, we will eventually begin booking 1.5-2x more than we do. Our kitchen isn't huge, so figuring out the capacity and a plan to maximize it is a must.

🧐 Some things to think about:

  • What kind of refrigerator space will we need? Will we need another fridge? If so then how can we create space in the kitchen to fit it.
  • How much space/time can we save by vacuum sealing pre-seasoned meats?

🤔 Marketing, become more interesting to people

Assigned to: Both

We believe our branding is good, but our marketing strategy could use some work. We want to become more interesting people. We want people to feel that they have TUCKEDito in common. We believe this leads to more conversation  so we stick in the minds of customers.

🧐 Some things to think about:

  • Hammer home the "uniques" of our business (brothers, food, good vibes)
  • How can we get more people involved? User generated content is a great way to extend our reach.
  • Improve the food

🌮🐷🌯🥫Expand the product line

Assigned to: James

The purpose to this is to create more distribution channels. If we can sell prepackaged items at places like farmers markets we can expand both brand reach and revenue. Plus, they can be ran by just 1 person.

🧐 Some things to think about:

  • What unique items can we add to our normal menu
  • Jarred sauces, taco kits, our carnitas for reheating, etc.

📆 2023 Event scheduling/Hiring plan

Assigned to: Brendan

Another goal revolving around the new food cart. Double booking events means hiring. But first, we need to know what that new hire's schedule will look like. This goal is involved so a detailed plan is key.

🧐 Some things to think about:

  • How many events can we schedule per week (related to the capacity mentioned earlier)
  • What month do we want to start double booking?

👨🏻‍💻 Online Ordering/Menu

Assigned to: Both

Our online menu has been a headache for us. We need to figure out how to simplify it. We want to increase our accessibility by offering online ordering, but we don't want to extend ourselves so much that we become unreliable.

🧐 Some things to think about:

  • How can we quickly add and adjust menu items?
  • How can we just turn it on and off.

🛒 Food Cart Plan

Assigned to: Brendan

This here is the big one. We need it to expand. The learning process will be two-headed. First we will just learn to operate the cart by itself over the winter. Then we will need to learn the best processes for everything when we're double booking events in the summer.

🧐 Some things to think about:

  • Health inspection
  • How many events it'll be used for?
  • What do we need to purchase for it?
  • What will prep times look like?
  • Learning how to drive it.

I'll come back and review these at the end of this quarter. Hopefully we go 6 for 6!