🤔 Scaling the Business with Taco Carts?
It's raw, but it's a real behind the scenes. Everything isn't always polished. A lot of this small business stuff starts as simple tables in excel getting your ideas onto paper.

By: Mitch Wooderson
This is a bit raw, but figured I'd share it as it's what I'm working on at this time.
We want to pick up more of these 40-50 people parties and figure the best way to do this is more taco carts as the upfront cost is much less. No need for a loan here, we could finance this operation ourselves.
This table just goes through some back of the envelope math. Next thing would be to define roles for employees and figure out how to coordinate everyone.
Again, it's raw, but it's a real behind the scenes. Everything isn't always polished. A lot of this small business stuff starts as simple tables in excel getting your ideas onto paper.