💁🏻‍♂️ Service: SOP #5

Keys to providing great service

💁🏻‍♂️ Service: SOP #5

By: Mitch Wooderson

💬Table of Contents

    👟Step by Step

    👨🏻‍🍳 Grill Person


    1. You can begin rolling as you hear the customer ordering.
    2. Be quick but first priority is making sure that the quality is there.
    3. At very busy events you don't need to think about the tickets much. Just roll taquitos (3-6 of the same at a time) and then put over on the rack. Be cognizant of what is getting ordered a lot and start rolling those for your next round.
    4. Monitor the heat of the griddle. If all of the sudden it's way too hot, you can turn the burner off for a bit, let the temperature drop, then turn it back on.
    5. If the propane runs out, turn all burners and the gas valve off. Then go out and switch the regulator to the other propane tank and turn it on. Then turn on valve and light all burners (including the steam table burner)


    1. Warm/steam tortillas
    2. lay out tortillas, put meat on, brush with egg whites, roll. As I'm rolling in my head I say the color and then toothpick them.
    3. Put olive oil down, slide taquito in it.
    4. (In the mean time you can start making taquitos for the next order)
    5. Roll the taquito over after 30 seconds or so. The color should be a light brown
    6. Pay attention to your senses. You can feel when the griddle's too hot and you can smell when they need to be flipped. Just be mindful.
    7. Once done take the finished taquitos and put them on the griddle rack. The register person should package them for the customer. (But if they're busy, and you have the time, you can package them)


    1. Put some olive oil down on the griddle and place the tortilla on top. Then put olive oil on the side of the tortilla that is up.
    2. After about 15 second flip the tortilla. If the tacos will have cheese then you can put that on now.
    3. Wait until the cheese is melted, then put on the meat.
    4. You want to wait until the underside of the tortilla starts to brown and crisp up a little. Then you can remove it from the heat. Either put it in the container or off to the side of the griddle where it the temp is lower.
    5. Once removed from the heat place the tacos in a container and top them.
    6. The register person will put limes and sauces in the container.

    💵 Register

    Order taking

    1. Greet the customer with some version of "Hi, how are you doing, what can I get for you today?". Enthusiasm and a smile are key. "Pleasant, positive and polite" is one of the core values of our business. Make it fun for yourself, just having a chat with a friend, more than a transaction. Every customer is a friend.
    2. Write down order using shorthand for the taquito flavors/sides. If "to-go" is requested, write that on the order slip.
    3. Ask for the customer's name and ring it up on the POS.
    4. Put phone out on ledge and ask them to insert card if paying by card. They will be asked to sign/tip on the phone screen.
    5. Put the order slip above held on the shelf by a magnet. Order timing is important. Don't get too far ahead. You should never have more than 5 up. Once at 5 stop and find something else helpful to do. Refill steam pans, napkins, utensils, etc. Ask griddle man what he needs or direct him on what he has to left to do from the current orders.

    Order Delivery

    1. Get proper size packaging for the order (#300 for 2 and a side or 3 taquitos).
    2. Put branded deli paper and place taquitos/sides into it.
    3. Call the customer's name out.
    4. When they come up to the trailer, hand order and ask if they'd like any sauces with it.
    5. Always keep an eye on what's left in the steam pans and in the cambro. Refill as necessary and be vigilant when close to running out of a flavor/side. Openly communicate with customers (especially if there is a line) about possibly running out of something.
    6. Take magnets off of the menu when something runs out.
    7. Make sure to refill napkins and utensils as necessary.


    1. Always tell the customer what the toppings are and ask if there is anything that they do not want. MAKE A NOTE OF THIS to refer to.
    2. The register person assembles the bowls. If the customer just orders bowls, you can prepare it for them right then. However, if there is a long backlog of orders, you don't want to hand this person their order while others have been waiting much longer. Be cognizant of this. If they order taquitos and bowls you can prepare it for them once they comeback for the order.
    3. Spread rice over the entire bottom of the container. A healthy dollop of whatever protein was requested. Fresh toppings first then salsa and sauce. Make it a nice squiggly drizzle of sauce!!!!


    1. Be pleasant to customers
    2. Attention to detail on orders (don't want to give out the wrong food to a paying customer)
    3. Do not give out food that was dropped.
    4. Griddle temperature between 350-400


    How big are they?

    Hold one up to show. If there's not one then explain it as: "They're like mini burritos about the size of a hot dog."

    What's Ranchero sauce?

    "It's like a mild red salsa"

    Can I get it without "_____"?

    "Unfortunately for the taquitos everything is already mixed in. "

    Can I get just cheese or chicken and cheese?

    "We can't do chicken and cheese. I'd recommend the Ranchero chicken as it's just chicken marinated in mild salsa and cheese. If your looking for something more plain we could do cheese quesadilla."

    How spicy is "___"?

    "The taquitos are mild. If you're looking for something spicy we have hot sauces on the side."

    What is Schmoke?

    "It's our homemade hot sauce"

    📋Check List

    Before Serving

    You have...

    Register Person

    1. Pen and paper
    2. Packaging containers
    3. Cash box

    Grill Person

    1. Toothpicks
    2. Olive oil
    3. Griddle rack and utensils
    4. Tortillas
    5. Taco toppings

    📞 When to Call for Help

    1. A customer has a serious complaint.
    2. Issue with the food
    3. Out of food
