🎬 The Start of Something New
This happened in the form of a Jim Morrison biography while sitting at the "sun spot", overlooking the lake. It quickly morphed into a sort of, genuine appreciation of knowledge, is the best way I can think to put it.
By: James
That's us looking at Sand Lake, a place that we think about often and that has done its part in shaping the way we think.
We grew up spending summers of adventure on Sand Lake, fishing, swimming, and cliff jumping. As we got older, that didn't change, we just added thinking and reflection to the list of activities that happened on the lake.
The lake contemplation led to many thoughts, as thinking tends to do, one of them was the dream of owning a business together. This dream recently became reality when we started our pop-up taquito shop, TUCKEDito.

Another realization that came about on the lake was a love for reading. This happened in the form of a Jim Morrison biography while sitting at the "sun spot", overlooking the lake. It quickly morphed into a sort of, genuine appreciation of knowledge, is the best way I can think to put it.
We began spending much of our time reading, learning, writing, documenting, thinking etc.
We both keep journals, write random articles for ourselves to learn, take notes on different books and articles we read. Once we even made this website to publish articles to for 'accountability-sake'.
So, while this is a start of something new...
It is also a continuation of something that's been there. Now we have a more precise lens through which we can reflect.
The blog will be a way to just document whatever comes about with our business. We want to open source issues and hope to get others to contribute their ideas.
Some loose goals/thoughts of what we think this can be:
For Others
- If you want to see what a running a business is like, this could provide a look.
- If you're running a business and are looking for some insight into what others do (we know we're always curious ourselves). We plan on being pretty open about our business.
For Us
- We figure it'll be a good way to have a paper trail of our thoughts, while sharpening our thinking and writing skills.
- We find that many times when we start writing it clears our thoughts on a subject, so we're hoping that it helps our business in this way.
- Having our present day thoughts published, so down the line we can look back and have a clearer picture of what we were thinking, in hope that this can improve our business going forward.
- Gaining some insight from others would also be sweet. (So, hopefully somebody is reading this and feels like they can comment and give us some tips on anything that would improve our business, this site, or ourselves haha).
- Tying in other passions (perspectives, music, Bitcoin, etc.)