😫 There's Always Something Else
Priorities change quickly for us. Just when we think everything is under control and we have some time to breathe, there's something else.

Priorities change quickly for us. Just when we think everything is under control and we have some time to breathe, there's something else. New ideas pop up that we want to implement to improve our business. I guess it's part of striving to improve every day, which is a good thing, but sometimes I let that feeling stress me out. Prioritizing everything can be difficult.
Then occasionally a problem pops up that rockets to the top of the list, that means this problem is even more stressful than having to prioritize our ideas. If we don't even think about importance it means that it needs to be solved quickly.

Right now, this big problem is finding a new kitchen. We were just told we need to be out of ours by the end of the month, maybe mid January at the latest. Without a kitchen, we cannot run our business.
We went from focusing on our winter schedule, to getting our new food cart ready, to curating a list of prepackaged items for winter sales, to dropping everything to find a kitchen. This all happened in about a week and a half.