🤔 What Are We Thinking? Week 37, 2022 🧐

We're getting some stuff done by our friend Colin. We want another logo and a label done, along with some other stuff. Here's what I sent him (bold) and how he answered.

🤔 What Are We Thinking? Week 37, 2022 🧐

By: Mitch Wooderson

Last Week's Decisions.

😬 Missed a week so this is two weeks ago

🤔 What Are We Thinking? Week 35, 2022 🧐
We went hard and finished the business plan off.

🤨 💭 Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

What do we do on a weekly basis? Well ... it changes each every week.


👶🏻 New this Week

New recipe inventory file

edited this so we can add catering options. I hope to one day roll this out for other trucks to use. I think it would be very helpful for those in their early stage.

Experimenting with tacos


👶🏻 New this Week

🕰 Updates from Past Weeks


👶🏻 New this Week

Instagram Reels

Again, check our instagram to see them!


We're getting some stuff done by our friend Colin. We want another logo and a label done, along with some other stuff. Here's what I sent him (bold) and how he answered.

The main illustration is like another logo that we could use for our food cart that we’re getting, merch, stickers, etc. The main thing is we want food represented in it so people know we’re a food company without having to ask. Then we want it to be  like a person or something (kinda like how you did the smoking hot butts pig). We want it to give that good vibes feel and include the bowtie.
I had been brainstorming a little on this once you mentioned it the first time. I was thinking a taquito and taco characters together, wearing a bowtie and top hat maybe? They could be marching/moving over top of the Tuckedito lettering? Both holding something? They could be used as individual graphics as well.

The other 2 we want it for packed products. Sauces, packaged meats, taco kits, etc. We’re thinking we want to expand into farmers markets eventually and sell packaged product so will want to slap some sort of branding on them.
Sounds awesome!

1 we want specifically for our Schmoke Sauce. This is our homemade hot sauce. (Would you need dimensions for the bottle/jar to make it or could you just make it and we could adjust the size later on?)
It would be better to start with the size we need it to be. Do you know how your going to get these produced?

The other would be more like a template that can be used (and maybe edited) for different products. For example, if I wanted to use it for a prepackaged tacos I could sub in the word tacos and pictures/taco emojis, something like that. Then if it were a new sauce I could sub in the sauce name and pepper emojis/pictures. I use Canva to do a lot of stuff for social media and just different brand things. Not sure if it’d be possible to make some sort of logo template that I’d be able to edit in there.
It might be tricky to make an editable template unless it was a jpg file that you pasted in the background and added text over top. But you wouldnt be able to edit the colors or adjust to different dimensions. Im not sure how canva does it but I'm assuming they wouldnt accept the same adobe illustrator or indesign files I would be using to create them. Or if you have adobe acrobat you could probably make edits if I send the template as a pdf.
But it doesnt sound like much to update the names, colors etc. once the template is created, I wouldn't charge you to make those types of changes for you.

It's raw but I figure it gives better insight being that way. Just word vomitting onto the page haha. Sometimes that creates better ideas. After he answered we got on the phone and painted a clearer picture together.

Check out his past work here! 👇🏻

Sawce Design Company
Art and Design by Colin McKinnon

🕰 Updates from Past Weeks

Until Next Time...

Make sure you check out future posts! If we come to any decisions we will include the how, why, and what for!