What's The Goal? 🥅

Share failures, successes, thought process for big decisions, really anything to do with the business. We want it to have everything from funny stories to serious business proposals.

What's The Goal? 🥅

By: Brendan

We're taking up a side project and starting a blog (that's a loose term), but running our pop-up shop will continue to be the main focus. So why take time out of a busy schedule to do this? There are many reasons and I'm going to use this post to formulate my thoughts.

Here are the 3 high-level motivations for me:

1. Document Our Journey - Share failures, successes, thought processes for big decisions, really anything to do with the business. We want it to have everything from funny stories to serious business proposals. This will be a capsule that we can look back on and learn from, laugh at, and track progress. The journey is the destination.

2. Combine Our Passions - We're using Ghost as the blog platform for a reason, we believe that Bitcoin has the power to liberate people and change things for the better on a global scale. We have to use tools that support bitcoin to increase the usage of the network and improve lives in the long run. We're using a blog as the main format because we love to write, especially as a way to improve our thinking and possibly help others. We want to make this interactive and get input from other food trucks, breweries, event planners, and customers. A community of people with a similar interest and connection. Bitcoin, writing, and community are all passions we wish to combine with this venture.

3. Create a Mutually Beneficial Platform for Business Owners - We want to create a free-flowing, forum type of environment. We will share information about our business, whether that is in the form of data, decision-making, tools we use, etc. We hope this can be useful for others that are running a business and the goal would be to have others share this type of information. Competition comes to mind immediately when discussing running a business, but people discount the knowledge and advantages that can be gained from sharing practices and getting feedback. A hive mind ideal that can turn a zero-sum game into a win-win for everyone involved and completely elevate the playing field.

Speaking of interactivity and community, we are looking for suggestions on what to call this? Bow Tie Business Blog is too self-focused for our intention here and is just being used as a placeholder.